Monday, April 23, 2007

How Courage Gives You Power

However, you have your own row to hoe; you have your
own life to live, and you have your own sales procedure to
follow. You have your own living to make, and I hope some
of the ideas expressed in this book will help you. Be coura-
geous and put your creative power into action, and you can-
not fail to be successful. Courage, you know, is a spark from
heaven. It fills you with the faith to act, and this gives you
the dynamic power to perform and to go ahead.
Man does not know how good he is until he begins to use
his courage. Courage is that quality that enables you to
encounter any situation with firmness. It makes you daring
and bold. It fills you with valor and the dauntless spirit to
conquer all adversities, overcome all obstacles, surmount all
conditions, solve all problems, hurdle all hindrances, and
make you the master of your affairs. Courage will arouse
within you the very essence of creative power, and enable
you to make sales you never thought possible. You can in-
crease your sales production a hundredfold and keep our
economy prosperous and expanding. You can demonstrate
the power of creative selling as a vibrant reality

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