Monday, April 23, 2007

How to Make Your Effort Pay Off

Invested effort in selling is rewarded with success. "He
that loses his life shall find it." Therefore, harness your
forces, discipline your effort, measure your time, marshal
your energies, and concentrate your ability on selling. Lose
yourself in the needs and wants of the prospect. Make his
interests your cause, and do not worry about results. Before
you know it you will be cashing commission checks.

"Procrastination is the thief of time." Indecision and post-
ponement bring many delays and rob you of many valuable
sales. Are you bold? Are you determined? Are you really in
earnest? Take hold of yourself. Believe that you can sell and
you will have the power to sell. Courage has genius, power,
and magic in it. Once you begin to use the positive power
of creative selling you will have all the vim, vigor, vitality,
force, and power you need. You will get results. Your success
and progress will not only be fascinating and stimulating,
but they will be beyond your own comprehension. There-
fore, learn to be bold and courageous, but always remain
humble and know that every ounce of effort you invest in
selling will be justly rewarded and fully compensated.
The days ahead demand strong minds and understanding
hearts, fortified with unfailing integrity, enlivened with crea-
tive ability, sustained with great tenacity, buttressed with
courageous action, and embedded with true faith and with
ready hands.
As we travel along our way we take a lesson from an in-
scription written in letters of gold on one of the pillars of
the main court of the great Wanamaker Store in Philadel-
phia. It was written by John Wanamaker, the founder.
"Let those who follow me build with the plumb of Honor,
the level of Truth, and the square of Integrity, Education,
Courtesy, and Mutuality."

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How Courage Gives You Power

However, you have your own row to hoe; you have your
own life to live, and you have your own sales procedure to
follow. You have your own living to make, and I hope some
of the ideas expressed in this book will help you. Be coura-
geous and put your creative power into action, and you can-
not fail to be successful. Courage, you know, is a spark from
heaven. It fills you with the faith to act, and this gives you
the dynamic power to perform and to go ahead.
Man does not know how good he is until he begins to use
his courage. Courage is that quality that enables you to
encounter any situation with firmness. It makes you daring
and bold. It fills you with valor and the dauntless spirit to
conquer all adversities, overcome all obstacles, surmount all
conditions, solve all problems, hurdle all hindrances, and
make you the master of your affairs. Courage will arouse
within you the very essence of creative power, and enable
you to make sales you never thought possible. You can in-
crease your sales production a hundredfold and keep our
economy prosperous and expanding. You can demonstrate
the power of creative selling as a vibrant reality

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

How to Overcome Negative Thinking

Creative selling is an individual accomplishment. It em-
braces you and the power within you to think and create.
These qualities and attributes are individual, and no one
but you can develop them. Cut loose and free yourself from
all negative thinking, from all petty restrictions and all
pygmy notions and all corroded resistance. Negative think-
ing retards you and holds you back. Open up the channel to
positive thinking, and let the creative power flow through.
Cast out all your doubts and uncertainties. They are of no
value. Turn the power and dominion of positive thoughts on
all your doubts, worries, and dreads. Start to develop the
power of creative selling, and expect nothing but results.
Rejoice and be glad that you have the ability as well as the
opportunity to sell. It will be a thrilling experience to sell
and serve. You will find that you feel like a new person.
You will feel like starting anew every morning. What seemed
a burden and a task will became an interesting and profit-
able adventure.

In the attributes of latent ability and creative power the
men and women who sell have undeveloped resources to
make the economy of this nation hum with unlimited pros-
perity, spin with increasing activity, and furnish more of

the good things of life to a greater number of people for
many, many years to come. With new and better products
coming into the market every day, and with new wants and
new needs being uncovered almost hourly, everyone who
sells or who prepares himself to sell has an unparalleled op-
portunity to partake of all the good things of life and share
in an inexhaustible abundance. Opportunity is not only
knocking on your door, but it is ringing the door bell, urg-
ing you to avail yourself of the greatest aggregation of un-
tapped wealth and prosperity that this nation or any nation
has ever known. The potentialities of selling are greater
today than ever before. Greater, too, are the rewards of

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The Need for Creative Selling

Creative selling holds a very definite place in our economy
today, and it is the only power that can keep our economy
strong, balanced, and capable of expanding to meet the new
situations and new conditions that are developing with light-
ning rapidity. These new situations and new conditions will
require new products and new services. Only the salesman
can create the new markets necessary for their success

The men and women who sell are not only faced with a
responsibility, but with a definite challenge. They must have
the daring and ability to create sales. They must stub their
toes, wake up, shake off that state of lethargy, and arouse
that sleeping giant of creative power and positive action
hidden within themselves. They must dare to think for them-
selves. They must rely on their own creative power. With
faith and confidence, engendered by positive thinking, they
can draw on their latent ability and practice and demonstrate
the power of creative selling to create sales that others may
think impossible.
Salesmen who blaze new trails, open up new markets,
pioneer new products, and create sales are salesmen who
dare to sell things that have not been sold before. While
others doubt, they go forward. They think, they seek, they
ask, they search, and they find. They open new opportuni-
ties and help to furnish employment to millions of people.
They have the challenge to dare, the incentive to undertake,
and the urge to begin, and soon their ability is turned into
power that produces sales. They realize that "he who dares
to think" stands secure in the majesty of his own might, and
enjoys the blessings of his own efforts.
Creative selling is a science and also an art. The science
teaches you what to do, and the art teaches you how to do
it. Creative selling is the ability and art of increasing the
satisfaction of the prospect by convincing him that the thing
he buys will best fulfill his needs and desires. In fact, it is
creating a market that did not exist before.

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Tour Place in Our Economy

SELLING is not a new art. It is as old as man himself. When
man first began to exchange ideas he began to sell. Sell-
ing has always been employed as a means of influencing
someone to do something. It has been demonstrated in the
form of exchanging ideas, products, plans, or services. How-
ever, it was soon discovered that, in order to influence a man,
it was necessary to please him. If the man was pleased, he
would listen and pay attention to your story; otherwise, he
paid no attention. Therefore, in order to sell him, it was
necessary to know how to please him.

Thus opened up an entirely new field for selling. To be
successful at this art it was necessary to know the charac-
teristics of the prospect. A study had to be made of his
wants, his needs, his hopes, his aspirations, and the many
other hidden attributes that controlled his desire to buy. In
order for the salesman to understand his prospect, he was
compelled to turn the searchlight on himself. This was not
all. It was necessary for the salesman to know everything
possible about his product, its history, its background, and
the part it played in the life of the prospect. It was essential
to analyze the markets to comprehend the possibilities of
the product, and the various uses in which it might be ap-
plied. The salesman had to uncover the unknown needs, and
to supply those needs, and to create markets that did not
exist before. He had to be able to sense trends and to evalu-
ate them in the light of reason and common sense.
The salesman is no longer an order taker with a worn-out
valise, a bag of tricks, a bundle of sales cliches, and a stock
of stale stories. The salesman of today is a psychologist, a
scientist, an analyst, and an artist, all rolled up in one. He is
dealing with the greatest thing in life: the mind and its ideas,
as applied to the continued development of our economy
and the distribution of its products.

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